hating a person for no reason?? LOL!

i asked a girl why she hate the guy she used to befriend with, and is on 'fire' everytime we talk about him (well, seriously, that guy is a good man, unless you make him angry..thn.... ^.^U) and her answer to me was :" it's just the same case like you. you hate your ex-ketua biro, n i hate him. they are the same thing. AND~ there;s no reason for hating a person. " after that, as usual, she started to act 'cool' n 'pom' here 'pom' there..(you know...smash her books hardly on the table n etc..n it's a wise n wicked thing to not to argue back n just smile stupidly at her *a tip for survival when living in the real world from my sis*)
but hey~ they are not the same ^.^U i hate that guy from the start. he'd already disrespect me when we first know each other. but you used to be friends with that guy...so...they are not the same case, ok?
oh ya, n next time, dont try to be so 'wise' like saying sth like ' there's no reason for hating a person' O.o''' and i thought we only say ' there;s no reason for loving someone' XD

but anyway, this kinda ppl brings colors and varieties to the world..bwahahaha~~~

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