
it's weekend n i got the highest for my chinese paper (89%!! Wakakakaka!!) so i wana celebrate!!!! XD weeee~~~

see? even this ah pek celebrate with me!!

oh ya~ dont forget to get myself sum junk food also!!

I WANT!!!!!! :D

okok, dont get too excited, it's just a chinese paper anyway :p

so, i'll just post up the photos i'd taken last Saturday, where my cousin pulled me out of the house n wanted me to accompany her to watch da Vinci Code X.X okies~ Time to photoblog~!!

-my cousin wanted to watch the afternoon one, so i followed her family down to their shop "Thai Kong Book Store" which located in India Street early in the morning, thn we'd walk to the Star Cineplex at about 12.45pm. *i'm usin my cousin cam, so i didnt dare to take much photos on the street..coz lah..u know lah~ India Street bah, bahaya leh X.X*

it's no.68, India Street :)
it's already about 5 months since my last visit to the store. my mum used to work there as a clerk. it's family business u see. but hmmm....still..the place is still the same.

books books BOOOKSS!!! O.O'''

my mum used to bring back home at LOT of reference books for me to do but most of them were put at a corner to collect dust... >.<

look! many customers leh!!!

besides selling books, the store also sells stationeries

this is how it looks outside the shop..India Street..but i see alot of Malays...

the shops at India Streets here are all very old oledy, duno how many yrs of history.....

aaah..old sockets...love it XD

n the rice cooker!!!! weee~

ok, so after lunch. me n cousin pun mula bertolak :p n after onli like 15 minutes, we were at the cineplex already ^.^

this is my cousin :p

the next must watch movie!! the return of Captain Jack Sparrow!!!

i then went out to the balcony to take pics of the Kuching City...

wakakakakak~ nice? :D

after that we bought some pop corn n went inside the cinema.

ok, tat's all for today. need to re-edit the poster for Malam Budaya thing now X.X


Anonymous said...

haha, congratulation, how about others subject? gambateh oh!
oh yea, do you know when "the return of Captain Jack Sparrow" release? or it already release? i wanna watch it too!! the preview is so attracting and funny hahaa..

Anonymous said...

hmm.. I'm also waiting for that movie, if not wrong it's 17th of July. Exactly 1 month more =D~~

Anonymous said...

yaya~ it's 17th of July. i really like Johny Depp lah~ he's damn good in acting (^.^)

n thnx pianonee :) well..sad to say that onli the results for my english, chinese, n modern maths look pretty good X.X