November has come. 2010 is ending soon. I'm graduating soon. and the thought of it is just so unbelievable.

I've been working hard. real hard. 3-4 hours sleep everyday, camping at campus's multimedia lab, coffee every night. the work just won't finish. for 4 whole days I've worked on the Shout Award project, glad that the 8TV people like my stuff when I presented my work this morning.

here's some screen shots of my work

This 30 secs looping motion graphics, is going to be projected on a 3D projection screen (projection screen that consists of several layers of.. screen. which will show a 3D effect when a 2D image is projected on it.. well sorta). well I'm not sure whether I can reveal much about the details of the motion I did. I better don't :P just look for motion graphics that are similar to y screen shots above during the 8TV Shout Awards night. It's gona be on national TV live. wuhuuuuu!!!

Ok, to make things clear, it wont be just mine that will be shown during the award, but my friends' too. :) 3 students were selected from each batch of Creative Mutimedia course, and I'm one of the lucky ones.

So please stay tuned for the Shout Awards night, 20th November 2010, 8TV :P rumour has it that we get to walk the red carpet as well, but i doubt the TV is going to film us anyways. haha! but still, I can't wait to be glam.

Alright, that aside, now I've done this work, time to continue with my Final Year Project.

ps: anothing interesting challenge is awaiting for me next week XD it's Astro Challenge!!! lazy to blog about it now. so.. later :D

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